Money Algeria

The official currency of Algeria is the Algerian Dinar and is abbreviated as DZD. The dinar replaced the Algerian Franc in 1963 and derives it name from the Roman name for money ‘dinari’.

Notes in circulation

You can find notes of 100, 200, 500, 1000, and 2000 in circulation. It is also common to find coins 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 200. Previously the currency was also divided into 100 centimes which now are completely defunct due to inflation.

Current value

Algeria currently has two different exchange rates, official and black market. The difference in these rates seems to be growing as Algeria experiences economic problems. In February some places were reporting a difference of more than 60% in value between official and black-market rates for the Euro.

As of April 2024, the rate for the Algerian dinar is:

1 USD = 134 DZD (official) – unofficial you will receive about 220 DZD.

When changing money it is best to check with locals what the unofficial rate is. Exchange places will usually give you the black market rate by default unless of course, you go to exchange at a bank.



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