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What's in a Name?

What's in a name?

The Saiga Antelope is a distinctive goofy looking creature with extensive migratory habits who wanders Central Asia from the north of Kazakhstan all the way down through Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan, just like us!

Mild mannered and not letting much bother it, the Saiga is at home and perfectly adapted to anywhere from the baren deserts, grassed steppes, forested woodlands and even the high lands of Central Asia, just like us!

Known to cover long distances but also comfortable with just hanging out, the Saiga encapsulates our tours – fun, local and relaxed, just like us!

More About Us
Our Commitments
Our Commitments
Our Story
Our Story
Our Team
Our Team
Travel Agreement
Travel Agreement
Traveling During COVID-19
Traveling During COVID-19
Why Travel With Us?
Why Travel With Us?
Work With Saiga
Work With Saiga



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