Since the USA’s intervention in Syria, it’s well known that getting a visa for Americans to visit Syria has been difficult. In some ways preventing Americans from visiting is a small protest at their continued unwelcome presence and occupation of parts of the country and support for several groups operating within the country.
Most American visa applications over the last 4 years have been rejected. Quite often there will be no response at all, rather than an outright rejection, which can be even more frustrating.
Many tour companies now aren’t even bothering taking USA passport holders’ applications as they’ve just placed it in the too hard basket, which is completely understandable as it can be a difficult and infuriating process.
With a track record of getting Americans into Syria, we’ll continue to find unique and effective ways to get Americans visas. Dealing directly with the correct authorities rather than through third parties means getting a higher success rate as well as explaining applications on a case by case basis rather than a simple group application.
Unfortunately, with Americans there is no fool proof way of getting visas, and any Americans who do want to apply need to be aware of the high chance of rejection, but going with a company with a proven track record is always the best first step.
Please get in touch if you're American and want more information on the current situation.